Bay of Plenty Reports
CFG Heritage investigation reports are available for download in PDF format here.
DIY Marae Restoration, Ongarahu
(1,016.33 KB)2011/56 – Site U14/157. Archaeological investigations at U14/157, Ongarahu Louise Furey, 14 September 2011.
Lower Terrace Site U14/712, Omokoroa
(1.46 MB)2008/34. Report to NZHPT and Fiducia Ltd. Louise Furey, 11 March 2011.
Margaret Place Site U14/3302, Omokoroa
(693.82 KB)2011/34. Archaeological investigation of site U14/3302, Omokoroa. Jaden Harris and Louise Furey, 9 March 2011.
Kaitemako Substation, Welcome Bay
(625.50 KB)2011/3. Archaeological monitoring and investigation. Matthew Campbell and Stuart Hawkins, 28 October, 2010.
The Tara Road sites, Papamoa
(2.62 MB)2008/4-6 – Sites U14/2880, U14/3230 and U14/3231. Matthew Campbell, Warren Gumbley and Beatrice Hudson, 21 August 2009.
Tauriko Business Estate
(460.94 KB)2006/1. Archaeological monitoring of the Tauriko Business Estate, Tauranga, Stage I: final report. Matthew Campbell, 15 May 2009.
Site U14/2402, Tauriko
(578.06 KB)2008/95. Archaeological investigations at U14/2402, Tauriko: final report. Jaden Harris, 3 April 2009.
Waikite Road
(738.51 KB)2006/39 – Site U14/2065 and U14/3269. Archaeological investigations at U14/2065 and U14/3269, Balintoy Park, 166 Waikite Road, Welcome Bay. Jaden Harris and Matthew Campbell, 31 March 2009.
The Mataraua site, Tauriko
(1.14 MB)2008/32 – Site U14/2351. The Mataraua site (U14/2351), Tauriko, Western Bay of Plenty. Matthew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson, 31 March 2009.
Balintoy Park, 166 Waikite Road, Welcome Bay
(734.21 KB)2006-39 - Archaeological investigations at sites U14/2065 and U14/3269. Jaden Harris and Matthew Campbell. 31 March 2009.