Auckland Reports
CFG Heritage investigation reports are available for download in PDF format here.
20-1097 - Archaeological investiagtion (HNZPT authority 2021/380). Hayley Glover and Arden Cruickshank. 8 November 2022.
Carrington Outfall 6
(2.75 MB)21-1204 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPT authority 2021/777). Ella Ussher. 31 August 2022.
13_0560 – Site S15/663. Archaeological investigation (HNZPT authority 2104/679). Arden Cruickshank and Jacqueline Craig, 31 January 2017.
20-1090 - Archaeological investiagtions (HNZPTA authority 2020/209). Arden Cruickshank and Ella Ussher. 25 May 2022.
Tahapa Reserve track works
(1.93 MB)19-0992 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPTA authority 2020/77). Danielle Trilford. 19 January 2022.
19-1010 - Site R11/10 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPTA authority 2019/722). Andrew McAlister and Matthew Campbell. 11 November 2021.
17-0816 - Site R11/2570 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPTA authority 2018/519). Matthew Campbell, Stuart Hawkins, Jacqueline Craig, Lisa Truttman, and Wesley Maquire. 1 November 2021.
Central Interceptor SMP installation
(28.54 MB)21-1224 - Archaeological installation (HNZPTA authority 2021/692). Hayley Glover and Matthew Campbell. 28 August 2021.
18-0849 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPTA authority 2020/44). Arden Cruickshank. 30 June 2021.
99 Owens Road
(2.62 MB)19-0970 - Archaeological investiagtion (HNZPTA authority 2019/681). Ella Ussher, Jacqueline Craig, and Danielle Trilford. 5 March 2021.
18-0861 - Archaeological investigation (HNZPTA authority 2019/144). Hayley Glover. 19 January 2021.