Shelly Bay Taikuru

The Wellington Company are developing the north and south bays at Shelly Bay in Miramar, Wellington. There are two associated archaeological sites recorded in the development footprint: The Submarine Mining and Torpedo Boat Depot (R27/592) in the north bay, and The Torpedo Boat Shed, Slipway and associated structures (R27/ 593) in the south bay. The sites have high heritage value as both rare site types and contextually they belong to a significant part of New Zealand’s pre-1900 human history. Preliminary works to examine site presence and absence was undertaken by Danielle Trilford in 2022. The sites have high context and rarity values. The preliminary investigations determined that in parts of the test areas the condition of the ground had been considerably reshaped and earth worked to the extent where archaeological features are entirely removed, while in others there was less damage where truncated archaeological features remain but are in a low to moderate condition. To date, the investigations indicate that the sites are in poor to moderate condition.

Shelly Bay will remain a significant heritage site regardless of the findings of this project – the investigation has not found evidence so far to suggest the archaeological site is in the condition noticed at Torpedo Bay in Devonport or similar site types elsewhere. Works within later phasing as part of the delivery of the project will better understand the site.

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